All Week Long Top Coat Matte
45083We are bringing a variation into play with our top-selling system All Week Long. With this new Top Coat Matte you can provide every one of our 40 AWL standard colors with a trendy matte look!
The innovative nail polish system All Week Long has a special daylight-formulation – for up to 7 days perfectly polished nails. This system functions in 2 phases: ALL WEEK LONG NAIL POLISH + ALL WEEK LONG TOP COAT. A base coat is not necessary. The special ALL WEEK LONG TOP COAT dries through natural daylight and protects nail polish from chipping. Over time the ALL WEEK LONG TOP COAT strengthens the nail polish due to a reaction with natural daylight. The polish appears glossy, perfect and color intensive up to 7 days. Change the color of your nails according to your mood!